Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 06, 2007

Update sikit

It's been a while since I wrote longer than 2 lines. It has been that busy. Summer school is in session and all these Saturday classes are killing me. Friday afternoon, balik kerja, instead of being relieved after a long week, I still need to do case study, reading and shit. Don't even have time to go return my cable box at Comcast office. Geram betul. I haven't written email for so long, so kalaula ada yang membaca blog ni, mintak mahap ye? I rarely get desk time anymore at work, susah nak sneak in replying emails. I spend whatever 5 - 10 minutes spare time I have at work temporarily hiding from work stuff that can wait. So tiring.

Mak left for Umrah yesterday, hope she selamat pergi and balik. Mak is retiring in 3 months. Maybe I'll get her Astro and AC in her room then, at least boring boring she can watch TV in her room. Boy and I have been telling her (half jokingly) that we'll joli her gratuity money nanti. Whoo hoo! Hehehe... Actually we need to take some before she joli them away to invest and get monthly returns. Kalau tak pengsanlah Boy dengan saya nanti kena add-on to duit pencen. Hehehe... I'm proud of my brother, tak berkira pun kalau bagi duit to family. Tak sabarnya nak tunggu Ayid pun bekerja, so he can chip in as well. Haha :p

Nils and I might be going back to Malaysia end of this year for a short vacation. I am looking forward to it. Ui, laparnya rasa when I think of all the food I can eat there. I don't think I'll ever stop missing Malaysian food. Nils keep telling me to learn to make them myself. Hehehe, tak kuasalah. :p It'll be a few weeks before I see Nils again. He's coming out for Labor day. Not sure yet what we'll do when he's out here. Hopefully I'll be done unpacking by then. Serabut wei dengan kotak kotak ni semua.

Ok, now that I'm all caught up with previous episodes of Manjalara, I can go to bed early. It's so much fun to watch her being evil to her family instead. I wonder what will happen tomorrow. It's officially my routine now - balik kerja, go online to watch Manjalara. Even Nils has learned not to call me in that hour window. Whoever this guy is who posts the episodes online, I love you and I hope you continue to do so until the last episode, ok? Sakitla jantung nanti wei if I have to miss the finale. On second thought, maybe I should stay up and watch the last episode live? Anyway, a few weeks to go. Still got time to think about it.


Yan said...

Oit! KOKANG kah ini??? I FOUND YOU! lama gile tak jumpe wei! heard bout u stil being in the US, hows it????? hope ur happy & well! keep in touch kay!

Yan Hasmoni

Kokes said...

Hahaha.. Alamak, takleh aku nak semunyik lagi :p