Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hi y'all

My life has been consumed by work as of late. Like the lesson I recently learned - it doesn't feel good to work all these extra hours, but it will feel a hell of a lot worse if I don't (I'm reminding myself, here). Besides, being on top of things is sort of addicting. I'm on my way to being my old workaholic self... (Yeay!)

I'm so psyched about seeing the girlz this Friday! We'll bitch and party and be merry. Just like old times. Speaking of old.. I remember the days when I was in high school, and 24 - 26-yr old teachers seemed so adult. Seemed like they had all the answers, or at least weren't confused all the time. But they must have been. Everyone I knew at that age was confused and unsure about one thing or another. Now I'm even older than our cool English teachers were. Good God I'm freaking old!

Aging is a funny business. If it were really a business, I'd be convinced there is some swindling going on somewhere. First you don't even realize you're living a life. You don't realize that your parents have their own lives. Or that your teachers have their own lives. That maybe they didn't feel like going to work or cooking or doing wash that day. It's like how people say babies can only comprehend what's in front of them - and when you're out of sight, it's as if you don't exist. It's kind of like that. So we're basically babies until we're 30. And then we're just freaking old (except to people older than 30 who think we're still babies). Our metabolism hits a brick wall. And fast food is once again a treat that I can only afford once a month, lest I would really get supersized. *Sigh*

Today I told a dear little kid that 23 - 27 was about the worst time of my life. It wasn't so much that I hated every minute of those years. But becoming an adult really was a pain in the ass. It was difficult to walk in big shoes with my, then, small feet. I tripped over myself and fell down a lot. And then my feet grew. And now I just have big feet. Oh, and I'm old.

Actually I love being in my 30s. It really is shaping up to be the best years of my life. I'm not broke all the time - only sometimes. I'm not confused all the time, because now many doors have closed on me. But I really am proud that I have no regrets. And sometimes I take stock of my life and feel proud, and then I message Iddy and she has to listen to me talk about myself again. Hehee...

I am, however, terrified of growing old. So I want to try and do everything I want to do while I still can. Before I institute permanent changes that would end my life as I know it. Because after that, it will be a new chapter, and I'll start to trip all over myself again. So for now, I'm going to just rest and enjoy being on my feet.

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