Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 01, 2009

All smiles :)

Not working has been really great. I am happy everyday, every day feels like a Saturday, I no longer hate Mondays, I get to live more than 2 days a week, and what else? I don't know, but I know there are more things I'm currently loving.

Strangely enough, now that I take in less money, I am more eager to spend my allowance. I think because I don't have to work for the money, I am less attached to it. I still put away a little bit for my not-so-secret stash, but I (happily) spend most of it. As a result, I am now waiting for an array of new toys, with a couple more on the list for when I get my next couple of allowances. Whoo hooo!

Fun or no fun, I have started to work on my resume. There is this one job that I want, so I'm tailoring my resume for it. I know I will have to apply to a couple of hundred before I'll land one, but at least I have a place to start. Nils is happy about that. Me, I'm not excited yet, but I know the time will come when I get bored of staying at home. I also don't want to delay our actual retirement too much, so I know I have to get a job soon :) The real retirement will be more awesome than this, because Nils will be "at home" with me, and we won't have to worry too much about saving for old age (we would both be old by then). Maybe we'll get lucky and get to retire earlier than planned. Who knows...


Anonymous said...

early retirement, my plan also lah... best kannnnn? Me so wanna be a beach bum, in Bali no less, lol!

Oh, apa new toys to come? Aku adalah jeles.

Kokes said...

Haa, best kan boleh jadi beach bum? New toys? Muahahahaaha! Macam-macam! Netbook, iPod (finally), speakers :p Seronok! Ni nak tunggu telepon pulak.