Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 03, 2009

Ready for take off

One cancelled flight, two flight changes, a gate change, and a plate of rice after Nils sent me off, I am finally settled down at my gate. Out the window, the plane that will take me to Heathrow has just pulled in. That is a giant improvement over how things have been. Oddly, the only time thing that frazzled me so far, was when I couldn't find the restaurant that Nils told me to eat at (oxtail soup, yumm). Villagers.

Nils said it's right after the security check, near the high number gates. I looked around, and when I couldn't find it, I walked over to the next security checkpoint. It was for gates 110+ which seemed like high numbers. I ventured in. No Villagers.

So I walked even further to the next checkpoint. "For gates 90 - ..." - 90 seemed like a high number to me. But still no Villagers. Thank goodness there is no other checkpoint in this terminal, or I would have continued on.

Frustrated, tired, sweaty, I huffed and puffed back to my gate and ate at a Chinese place. After I got my food, I texted Nils:

"Walked all over and didn't find Villagers!"

"What's a village?" came the reply.

"Place u told me to eat!"

"Gallaghers. Sorry phone autotext is stupid"

And from where I was sitting, I could see, in red neon lights "G a l l a g h e r s" *sigh*

Still in my backyard, but the adventures have begun.

Sent from my mobile device

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